The Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment (CPCHE), of which Pollution Probe is a founding member, recently submitted its recommendations to the Ontario Government on proposed regulations under The Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014. The Act gives the Ministry of Education the authority to establish policies for the child care and early years sector. Specifically, CPCHE urges the Ministry to: (1) seek ways to ensure that staff at all child care facilities receive education and practical guidance on measures to reduce toxic exposures in child care settings, and are encouraged to take progressive steps to reduce such exposures for both children and staff; and, (2) pursue mandatory and universal measures to ensure that all children in child care are protected from priority sources of toxic exposures. Such recommended measures include radon testing; fragrance-free policies; policies to eliminate the microwaving of food and beverages in plastic, the use of antibacterial hand soaps and car idling at pick-up and drop-off times; and guidance to select the least-toxic art and craft materials and cleaning products.
Children’s environmental health is the primary focus of Pollution Probe’s Human Health Program. Read CPCHE’s submission here.